Being that this is my website to which I am the sole contributor, I’d feel a bit silly putting up a bio written in the third person pretending someone else wrote it. Plus, I already wrote one of those for the Earth Island Books website which you can find here. For this one I’ll keep it short, sweet, and in the first person.
By day I walk dogs, which equates to spending every afternoon with my head in the clouds, jotting notes for my stories into my iPhone. In the evening I go home to my wife, son, and dog and when they finally tire out I hole up in my office for the night and polish the ideas I dreamt up all day. Writing is my life and my passion. The only thing that comes close is my love of punk rock. I am an everyman, from Anytown USA. There are many of me out there. As a teenager I was a middle class suburban punk who was mad at the world without having any reason to be mad at anything at all. Teenagers are constantly told they don’t have “real” problems. But try telling that to their hormones. Even suburban kids need a voice to which they can relate. In 1994 I found that voice in Green Day’s music. My hope is that others will find that in my book(s).